10 ways to remove stretch marks

2021-12-14 07:37:50 By : Ms. Christine Yu

Stocksy / Michela Buttignol design

Over the years, many of us have developed stretch marks for various reasons. Puberty, pregnancy, sudden weight gain or loss, and genetic factors all play a role in etching these streak scars into the skin. Although some people are looking for ways to get rid of stretch marks, there are just as many people who are dismissive of them. After all, stretch marks are very common, completely natural, and like all scars, tell a story.

That being said, being proud of your body (including all its curves and edges) and wanting to reduce the appearance of stretch marks are not necessarily mutually exclusive. We can embrace the positivity of the body and still try various available treatments to eliminate them. Although they are technically scars, their appearance is not necessarily as permanent as the word implies. So we conducted an investigation.

Scott Wells is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in New York who is known for his holistic approach. According to him, stretch marks are weak areas of the skin under the intact epidermis.

Stretch marks are tears in the collagen fabric of the dermis, which occur when the skin is stretched beyond its stretch limit. Wells points out that they usually occur in the abdomen area during pregnancy or in the buttocks and leg areas where weight gains rapidly. As the hormones in the skin change to adapt to growth, they may also occur during puberty. Board-certified dermatologist Shari Sperling explained that there are some genetic prevalences, so some people may be more likely to develop them than others.

Please read on for all the information you need to know before trying your first stretch mark treatment.

Zein Obagi is a world-renowned, board-certified dermatologist, headquartered in Los Angeles, is the founder of Zo Skin Health, Inc., he recommends mixing Zo Skin Health Body Emulsion Plus with their Wrinkle & Texture Repair ($145). Obagi explains, “The reason that makes this formula an excellent choice for stretch marks is that you mix microemulsion retinol with papain and yeast to significantly improve the texture by stimulating epidermal renewal, collagen production and even skin tone. Yeast extract provides enzymatic exfoliation. This can remove dead skin cells and smooth rough skin texture. It can also remove stretch marks, replenish moisture and lipids, and restore the skin’s barrier function. Ultimately, this will help the skin Restore health and prevent any new damage."

Retinol is a vitamin A derivative commonly used in acne and anti-aging skin care products. It works by increasing the cell turnover rate and provides effective exfoliation.

The label does not say how long it will take to see the effect, so I use the mixture every day for a full week to see if I notice any changes. First of all-except for stretch marks-this is almost a miracle product. Throughout the experiment, my skin was soft, supple, exfoliated, hydrated, and my skin tone was noticeably even. After just a week, my stretch marks looked faded (I will accept). They are by no means disappeared, but they are not so obvious, and I believe that the results will be more exciting if you continue to use them.

If you have tried retinol products but are unlucky, you may benefit from a prescription for tretinoin. "Tretinoin and/or hyaluronic acid applied to the skin can provide some benefits for treating stretch marks," Sperling said.

Retinoic acid is a synthetic derivative of vitamin A and can only be obtained by prescription. It is used to rejuvenate the skin, increase cell renewal, and induce collagen production.

Like retinol, retinoic acid is a retinoid, which means it is a vitamin A derivative. Although retinol is the natural form of vitamin A, tretinoin is a stronger synthetic form. Tretinoin is only available by prescription and is usually sold under the brand name Retin-A. Retinoic acid accelerates cell renewal, quickly exfoliates, and stimulates collagen and elastin. Due to its aggressiveness, it is not recommended for sensitive skin.

Use an SPF of 30 or higher, and avoid sun exposure as much as possible when using tretinoin, which will make the skin more sensitive to the sun than usual.

According to Sperling, a few rounds of microneedles are a great option to help remove stretch marks. When the skin stretches or shrinks too quickly, collagen and elastin will break and stretch marks will become obvious. "Microneedles use a device with many fine needles that can penetrate the skin and cause minimal trauma to the skin," she explained. "It stimulates collagen and elastin reconstruction and helps stretch marks to appear." Usually, it takes multiple treatments in the office to find the difference, but there are also several home appliances on the market that can do this.

Wells recommends pairing with a skin care cocktail during a round of laser treatment to best reduce stretch marks. He explained: “Because stretch marks are actually areas of skin where collagen is damaged, treatment to improve stretch marks aims to rebuild the integrity of the collagen in the marked area. Patients receive skin care regimens that help support dermal reconstruction and reorganization. At the same time, collagen building lasers (such as Palomar 1540 and deep infrared lasers) are used to stimulate skin repair. In my opinion, the best product is hyaluronic acid essence, which can absorb and hold hundreds of times the weight of the skin Moisture, which greatly increases the elasticity tolerance of the skin. We offer this proprietary product called Scott Wells MD Hy-Pep ($90). Generally, multiple treatments are required, but we have treated hundreds of Stretch marks, and using these methods have seen their appearance have been significantly improved."

Each laser surgery usually lasts 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the area you want to treat. For me, it is always quite fast, which makes dating easier. Wells recommends scheduling three treatments at least about a month apart to see results. I entered the first one and was pleasantly surprised. I was instructed to take Advil beforehand, so I was worried about what kind of painful situation I was about to start. This is by no means comfortable, but it is tolerable-like the warm snap of a rubber band. I only noticed a little redness after a few hours and I didn't have any downtime-I went back to work immediately after the operation. However, it is best to avoid direct sunlight to the treatment area, so I had to refuse to go to the beach that weekend.

For smaller areas (only a few marks), expect to pay approximately $250, while for larger surfaces, expect to pay $500. At first I didn't notice any difference, but over time, I can say with certainty that the laser is working. In addition, after my research, most doctors agree that laser is the most effective way to eliminate stretch marks (unless the abdomen is wrinkled).

"Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses concentrated growth factors extracted from the blood of patients and used locally or by injection to stimulate new collagen production," explained Claire Chang, a cosmetic dermatologist certified by the board of directors. During the PRP appointment, the provider will draw blood and spin the sample in a centrifuge to separate the platelets, which are where the healing and regenerative growth factors are found.

"It can be used alone or in combination with resurfacing lasers, microneedles, or radio frequency microneedles," Zhang said. When used alone, PRP has the best effect on fresh stretch marks. This is because active healing is what triggers the action of growth factors, so if stretch marks are still at this stage, the results may be more pronounced. Therefore, it is recommended to use a combination therapy that starts healing through micro wounds (such as microneedles).

Chang explained that poly-L lactic acid (Sculptra) and dilute calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) are biostimulating fillers that work by increasing and stimulating collagen from the scar. "They can be combined with resurfacing lasers, microneedles or micro-focused ultrasound to improve the appearance and texture of stretch marks."

After injecting Radiesse, you can expect very immediate volumizing effects, while Sculptra does not, but both will produce some of the most durable filling effects on the market. Sculptra usually lasts for up to 24 months, while Radiesse lasts for about 12 months.

Chang pointed out that these office stretch mark treatments usually take multiple rounds and three to four months to see any major improvement because the body needs time to rebuild collagen. However, a study found that the combined treatment of Radiesse fillers, microneedles, and topical vitamin C significantly improved the appearance of stretch marks in subjects in just two months.

I have been religiously using Bio-Oil's multi-purpose skin care oil to treat scars that appeared after surgery a few years ago. It is really effective, especially at such a low price tag. Somehow, I didn't think of applying it to my stretch marks until now. It almost melts into your skin and is rich in moisturizers that can moisturize and nourish within a few hours after use. The popular formula is blended with purcellin oil to make the product particularly easy to absorb and light to the touch.

After rubbing on my stretch marks for a week, I noticed a slight difference, but not as big as some other products I have tried. However, after continuing to use it, I believe it will get lighter and lighter each time. This is an incredible choice when you can't splurge because it can lighten scars, even out skin tone, moisturize, and can even be used as an after-sun care and bath oil.

Pai's Pomegranate and Pumpkin Seed Stretch Mark System includes an antioxidant-rich cream used in the morning and a rich supplement oil used in the evening. They are rich in omega, can provide the best skin nutrition, at the same time they can maximize the stretching ability of the skin. Plastic surgeon and skin care expert consultant Paul Banwell said of these products: “The key to preventing and treating stretch marks is to understand the need to moisturize the skin for optimal tissue repair and vitality and to keep the skin soft and supple. The unique method of combining moisturizers and specialty oils with antioxidant effects is very exciting."

These products feel luxurious and smell good, but their formula is more to prevent stretch marks than to treat existing (and long-standing) stretch marks. The system was designed for Natalie Portman during pregnancy, and it seems more useful for those who look forward to and want to keep her skin away from damage. After a week of use, you can expect a more even skin tone and longer-lasting moisturizing effect, but the existing stretch marks may not look significantly different on the 7th day. These products are perfect for anyone who wants to prevent stretch marks throughout their pregnancy because they feel great.

Radio frequency technology stimulates the production of collagen by directing energy waves deep into the skin. The method of heating the dermis without damaging the surface of the skin has made it an increasingly popular non-surgical skin firming and firming treatment.

Chang said that recently, radio frequency microneedle equipment has been used to treat stretch marks. "These devices combine microneedles and radio frequency to transfer heat energy to the dermis and stimulate collagen/elastin formation."

According to the number of sessions required, RF microneedles are not the friendliest in our wallet. Sessions range from $100 to over $2,000, and the average cost per visit is approximately $800. For best results, Chang recommends multiple treatments. “RF microneedling is usually performed every other month and has been shown to significantly improve the skin texture of stretch marks,” she said, adding that when combined with pulse When combined with other treatments such as dyes, the effect is very good. Laser, PRP or topical retinoic acid.

Based on the advice of friends in the industry, I decided to try fur oil on stretch marks. This product is specially made to soften pubic hair and remove ingrown hair. It is formulated with grape seed oil, tea tree oil and jojoba oil, as well as vitamins A and E. It also uses clary sage seed oil, which has healing properties that not only soothes and reduces over time, but also keeps your skin healthy. Lillian, one of the founders, used it to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. 

Apply the oil for a week, and then observe that your skin remains soft, moisturized, and emits an amazing smell. Likewise, it seems that it may prevent stretch marks well, but it may not be able to eliminate them. But adding moisture does help in a pinch!

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. "Calcium hydroxyapatite combined with microneedling and ascorbic acid can effectively treat stretch marks." September 26, 2017.

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